Interventional Cardiology Council of Kerala

Secretary's Message

Dear Friends,

Life is full of beginnings. ICCK this year has given us the chance to have a new beginning with bigger dreams, promises and responsibilities.

Let me at the very outset thank each one of you on behalf of all the Office Bearers for having elected us. We assure you that this year will be a memorable one for all ICCK Members. We will deliver more than what you have asked of us!

This beginning we have made is also a time to look back at the progress we made so far. This Organisation started in 2003 with just 30 members. Our purpose and intention were to learn from one another. We shared with each other difficulties while doing angioplasties, and that shared knowledge has given all of the participants a better understanding to give better medical care to heart patients. This is no ordinary achievement.

As a result of this shared learning, we had keener and enthusiastic participation and growth in later years. From humble beginnings, ICCK is now home to more than 300 Members and we are proud of this enviable group of doctors.

As we look at the change that has come it is awesome. What started off with just case presentations has moved to more significant lectures and even paper presentations. Thus ICCK has become an august assembly with knowledge sharing as its inspirational platform. Without your cooperation and support, this would not have been.
Let us continue to pool our resources together as far as interventional data is concerned; especially from our State. This knowledge base, I am sure, will prove beneficial for people in Kerala as well as humanity at large.

Your inputs are really valuable to us. Do send us your suggestions.

Finally, let me conclude by reminding all that time is short. Let us run our race with faithfulness and perseverance. Our success means that many will have more quality years to live and fulfil their duties. Let us strive together as one team to achieve this goal.

With warm regards

Dr CD Ramakrishna